The purpose of this forum is to help users of the Total Golf Tracker app better utilize all of its functionality to better enjoy managing their Golf Leagues and Trips. To make sure using this forum is a great experience for everyone, please follow these rules and guidelines:
Be respectful
Everyone has a right to their ideas and opinions. We expect you to be respectful to others and carefully consider before making posts if any of their content might cause offense. Members must not abuse or harass others or use vulgar language, racial, religious or ethnic slurs, sexism or slander.
Stay on topic
Try to keep posts relevant to the theme of the forum.
Check for duplicate content
Someone might have already created a post similar to yours, or answered your question.
Do not spam or post inappropriate content
Spam will not be tolerated. Referrals to other 3rd party websites may be deemed acceptable if they directly address the question asked and do not breach any of the other rules here. Do not post URLs to inappropriate sites, such as pornography sites, warez sites, racist/hate sites, etc. Images that are not appropriate for the workplace are not to be posted or used as avatars. Do not use inappropriate images on our forums - ones endorsing pornography, software or intellectual property piracy; or those that "slam" any individual or company. Moderators will determine if your post is inappropriate and will take the necessary actions they deem appropriate.
Do not post personally identifiable information
Do not post email addresses, standard addresses, ICQ and other messaging client numbers, or phone numbers, including your own. Do not publicly re-post private emails, or private discussions without the express written permission of the e-mail's original sender (e-mail is protected by copyright). If a moderator needs your user information to better assist with a support issue they will contact you directly from a Total Golf Tracker or My Golf Tour email address.
Thanks for being a part of this community and sharing your voice.