Release Notes
This is our 4th major release since we began building Total Golf Tracker almost 5 years ago. We’ve added, removed and streamlined many features along the way thanks to the helpful feedback from our early users.
We’ve debated different ways to ensure the continuing viability of the app and have decided to enact a subscription model. We need to make this change in order to continue providing the highly configurable scoring and management settings you’ve come to expect from us, as well as new features and functionality to ensure Total Golf Tracker delivers on your League and Trip management needs.
We’ve also added a new feature to help with managing your competitions and, as always, have fixed various functional issues to improve your experience with Total Golf Tracker.
New Feature
Data Exports
Over the past year, users occasionally requested exports of their League/Trip data so they could prepare various reports for their members. We’ve added the ability to download different data in CSV format from the following screens:
• Rounds
• Round >> Results
• League/Trip Settings >> Roster
• League/Trip Settings >> Roster >> Scoring History
• League/Trip Settings >> Roster >> Handicap Revision History
Renew League/Trip
As your weekly club League embarks on a new season, or your buddies golf Trip turns into an annual event, we wanted to make it easy for you to renew your existing league or trip for another year. To do this, we've added a button on the League/Trip Settings >> General screen next to Season Opening and Closing Dates. If you're currently a Premium subscriber, you will be prompted to enter the number of Members you'll have for the new season and enter your payment details again.
If you reduce the number of Members, existing Members will still be copied to the new season but any extra above the new limit you entered will be listed as Substitutes on the Roster. As in the past, you can remove Members from the Roster and modify their roles to fit your new Roster size as needed.
Pricing Changes
Going forward, we’ll be offering 3 different subscription tiers: Free, Premium and Managed:
• Up to 8 Golfers
• Up to 1 Year
• 1 Round Format per Round
• Manual or WHS Handicap
• Standard Scoring Options
• Scoring/Settings Support
• All Free Features plus...
• Unlimited Golfers, including substitutes
• Up to 1 Year per Season
• Concurrent Round Formats
• Custom Handicapping
• Additional Scoring Options
• All Premium Features plus...
• Dedicated League/Trip Admin
• Assisted Score Entry
Premium Leagues or Trips will be charged $10 per Golfer. During checkout, you will be asked to provide the number of Roster spots you need for your League or Trip. Substitutes do not count toward your allocation of Roster spots though, so you may add additional Substitutes at any time.
Managed Leagues or Trips will be charged $20 per Golfer. To ensure we’re able to provide the appropriate level of support, Managed Leagues and Trips are evaluated on an individual basis. If we’re able to provide the level of service we believe will be necessary to help run your competition, we’ll send you an invoice link with payment instructions.
Premium Features
The Total Golf Tracker app will still be usable for free to accommodate basic competitions. Below are descriptions of the more advanced features available with a Premium League/Trip.
League/Trip Settings
Basic Leagues/Trips allow you to run your competitions with standard scoring features that accommodate many of the ways you already play. For those that like to add a little extra flavor to their games, some additional features are available.
Seasons and Season Segments
With a Free League/Trip, you’ll be able to run your competition 1 year at a time. Some Leagues or Trips are annually recurring events, however, and keep a record of results, handicaps, or scores over several iterations. With a Premium League/Trip, we’ll take care of that tracking for you so that you won’t need to setup a new League/Trip from scratch each Season.
For Premium Leagues, we also offer the opportunity to break up a single Season into multiple Segments, enabling you to track competitions limited to just a portion of your overall League Season.
Custom Handicapping
Free Leagues and Trips allow you to sync your rosters with GHIN or utilize Manual Handicap assignments.
Premium Leagues and Trips give you the option to track handicap indexes for your roster based on your own rules. Build handicap indexes based on 9- or 18-hole rounds with the option to both include and/or exclude scores based on Differential, Score Relative to Par or by reducing Gross Score by a fixed amount. You can also specify different rules based on the number of scores available in a Golfer’s scoring record.
Roster Size
Leagues and Trips using basic scoring can have up to 8 Members or Managers on their Roster without needing to buy additional spots.
Free Leagues and Trips are not able to use Substitutes during their Rounds. Premium Leagues and Trips can add as many Substitutes as needed to track scores for the competition. Even if a player is unavailable for a Round or two, they need not lose out on points for the competition.
League/Trip Leaderboards
Free Leagues and Trips enable you to see the which Individual or Team has earned the most points across multiple Rounds based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria you’ve set.
Premium Leagues and Trips additionally get the options to track points earned across multiple Rounds split up by Season Segment, Flight Section or Both.
Round Formats
Basic Leagues/Trips allow you to run your competitions with standard scoring features such as stroke play utilizing net score and gross score, points earned for winning a match, gross and net Stableford scoring, and skins games regardless of them utilizing carry over or not.
No changes will be included for how Handicaps are applied to different Round Formats. Both Basic and Premium Leagues/Trips can utilize Course Handicaps, Handicap Indexes or No Handicaps for scoring and apply them at any percentage they choose.
Stroke Play
Basic Leagues/Trips can utilize Gross or Net Strokes to determine the finish position and points earned for Stroke Play events. Premium Leagues/Trips can additionally use Differentials calculated based on the Gross Strokes or Net Strokes for Rounds where members might not be playing the same course.
Match Play
Match Play is the bread and butter of any good Ryder Cup-style trip. With Basic access, normal matches where the winner(s) get points are usable with Gross or Net scoring. Premium Leagues/Trips get access to enhancements like Bonus Points for winning by a certain margin, or accumulating points based on numbers of holes won.
Stableford scoring lets you assign points Golfers can earn based on their Gross or Net score on any given hole. With a Premium League/Trip, you can also provide additional points for meeting a threshold on consecutive holes (e.g. making Par on 3 or more holes in a row).
Basic Leagues/Trips allow for most common Skins formats such as the traditional kind allowing for carryover when a hole is tied, or the more modern pot-splitting variant where the amount won per hole depends on how many holes are won. Premium Leagues/Trips can take the customization further by requiring a minimum score to claim a skin (e.g. par or better only) or assigning different weights to different holes as not all holes are created equal.
Concurrent Competitions
Basic Leagues/Trips allow you to compete with any Round Format using Basic scoring settings. Premium Leagues/Trips, while allowing for more advanced scoring, also enable you to run multiple competitions simultaneously without having to enter scores more than once. Have a weekly skins game along with your matchups? No problem with a Premium League. Handicaps and Strokes Given are calculated for each Round Format independently. All you and your members need to enter are the gross scores in the scorecard and Total Golf Tracker takes care of the rest.